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Tag - lexi
Quotes Tagged With :lexi
Trevor D. Richardson
We're a society of brats, fighting over the same toys. That, for me, is the closest we come to be inherently....
E.M. Forster
He had a theory that musicians are incredibly complex, and know far less than other artists what they....
Lindsay Chamberlin
You’ve sufficiently invaded every part of me, Alexis; my heart, my mind, and now my dreams.
Steven Magee
When I realized that my home was completely filled with a biologically toxic radio wave field, I decided....
Vishwanath S J
The mystery in "Eyes of your Eyes" can never be found in the interstellar space unless you encounter....
Stacy Feiner
Every leader is different. Every bench is different. Every business is different. So while the complexities....
Gail Carriger
Just because history says it isn't possible doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions.
Debasish Mridha
You do not need to be a mountain to feel strong. Be like a little flexible stream to have true power.....
Claudia Rankine
It strikes me that what the attack on the World Trade Center stole from us is our willingness to be complex.....
Gail Carriger
Most girls recently out of finishing school are like soufflés: puffed up, not very substantial inside,....
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