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Tag - loner
Quotes Tagged With :loner
Jo Nesbø
Bjarne Møller, my former boss, says people like me always choose the line of most resistance. It's in....
Amit Abraham
I love my loneliness as it helps me gather strength to deal with people.
Dean Cavanagh
Those who understand the true nature of humanity are always loners
Criss Jami
Quiet people always know more than they seem. Although very normal, their inner world is by default fronted....
Criss Jami
There is a certain delightful sort of hope which the introvert can receive only by having company over...the....
Samuel K
Bukowski was dead wrong, the man was drunk most likely when he said this. Sometimes you get so fucking....
Charles Bukowski
I dislike interaction. The less I say the better I feel. I was naturally a loner. I didn’t want conversation,....
Criss Jami
I never feel unsafe except for when the majority is on my side.
I finally wentwhere everyone goesand I realizedI wasnevermissingout.
Tenacious D
The lonesome and desperate kids out there, that pain will translate to magic perhaps.
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