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Tag - lovemaking
Quotes Tagged With :lovemaking
Ruth Wind
His passion she had expected, even his expertise, for a man of his years would not have been without....
J.F. Kelly
Men need to realize that women take longer to get aroused and satisfied - sometimes 6 -8 times longer.....
Suman Pokhrel
May this night come wearing drunk cloak of love, carrying passionate desires, and intoxication of love!....
Roman Payne
You are like a god, like an immortal one,' she whispered to me one night in our bed, her naked body pressed....
J.F. Kelly
Women enjoy sex as much as men...if they were totally satisfied in sexual encounters, they would welcome....
J.F. Kelly
Making love is not something you do to someone―it's something you share. Lovemaking between men and....
Sarah J. Maas
What?”Lucien laughed. “Yes—all those female faeries around you were females for Tamlin to pick.....
Erika Swyler
Sometimes you made love to a man because you wanted your body to feel something other than the aches....
Dr. Warren Shepell
Porn mainly exists to satisfy the physical needs of men. Unfortunately many young men use porn to get....
J.F. Kelly
In the purest sensual and intimate act of lovemaking, there is a give and take, and both partners actively....
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