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Tag - lucas
Quotes Tagged With :lucas
Trisha Leigh
What good does it do you to love?
C.C. Hunter
She tossed her towel on her dresser and turned to the bed where shed left her PJs. Only it wasn't just....
Josephine Angelini
But how could anyone be grateful for what they have if they didn’t know what it was like not to have....
Tammara Webber
The little kids by the water threw their hands in the air and squealed, chasing each other in circles.It....
Ross Caligiuri
If you feel like you don't fit into the world you inherited it is because you were born to help create....
Ross Caligiuri
Eleanor had heard talk of the rebellion that existed inside the city of Constance before. Most of the....
Caroline Hanson
If she was going to die she wanted to go out with chocolate in one hand and a shopping bag in the other.....
Lisa Brown Roberts
I'm so sorry about all you're going through, but I'm not sorry that it brought you to me.
Alexandra Bracken
Fire is calling my name. It is whispering words of encouragement, sweet things. It wants out, for me....
Rachel Pierson
It was likely her due, then, that a familiar voice halted her progress just as she started to ascend....
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