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Tag - mae
Quotes Tagged With :mae
Shirley Hughes
Waddya want me to do? through my sling shot at him?
Rita Mae Brown
I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.
Stacey Lee
What good's a black face if it means I'm just someone else's property? Why give me these arms and legs....
Daniel Pike
Brea watched the other Jaren, the Jaren she wasn't sure she wanted to know, slip through the cracks of....
Hiromu Arakawa
Roy: "Looks like it's starting to rain"Riza: "But..It's not raining..."Roy: "Yes it is. This is the rain.....
Stacey Lee
You ever think about the noose?''I been thinking about the noose since I was born.
Daniel Pike
The Dream Box wasn't a place, but it was a destination. It wasn't life, but it was a way of life. Reese....
J.R.R. Tolkien
I will not debate with you Dark Elf. By the swords of the Noldor alone are your sunless woods defended.....
Roman Payne
Of all public figures and benefactors of mankind, no one is loved by history more than the literary patron.....
Gwenn Wright
And you were always nothing but slime, Henry Wallace. Fancy trash
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