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Tag - mafia
Quotes Tagged With :mafia
Frank Karsten
Actually, in its essence, democracy is a totalitarian ideology, though not as extreme as Nazism, fascism....
George Reisman
Monopoly is a market, or part of a market, reserved to the exclusive possession of one or more sellers....
Friedrich Nietzsche
State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth:....
E. Jamie
Alessandro! Will!!” He could hear Brianna’s voice a few seconds before his head came up through to....
Tamara Lush
Have you thought about what will happen when you start living the life that's right for you, instead....
Ludwig von Mises
Socialism is an alternative to capitalism as potassium cyanide is an alternative to water.
E. Jamie
I’m insatiable? I am?” Alessandro asked cocking an eyebrow as he ran his warm hands along the satin....
Ayn Rand
People are not embracing collectivism because they have accepted bad economics. They are accepting bad....
Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote
He'd searched every corner of his mind looking for ways to avoid a rendezvous with Chico. In the last....
Christopher J. Holcroft
Always live the adventure.
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