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Tag - magnetism
Quotes Tagged With :magnetism
Steven Magee
There were three people in my home and I was the only one showing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and....
Michael Bassey Johnson
You'll become that devil overnight, if you want to become that celebrity overnight.
Michael Bassey Johnson
Sticking to one person for a lifetime is not a waste of time or lack of better ones, it means you've....
Melissa Mojo Hunter
Once you know what you want in life...Like a magnet you attract the resources necessary to manifest the....
Steven Magee
The human skin evolved in a natural electromagnetic radiation environment and is now in a very unnatural....
Steven Magee
The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation.
Steven Magee
Mankind willfully changing the global electromagnetic radiation environment has created what I expect....
James Kakalios
At one point in the story, following a brazen daytime bank robbery, Electro is shown escaping from the....
Steven Magee
There is a time and place for electromagnetic shielding and I regard it as a last resort due to the long....
Malcolm H. Mac Gregor
The bridge between the electron and the other elementary particles is provided by the fine structure....
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