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Tag - malcolm
Quotes Tagged With :malcolm
Stephen Richards
He caught me neat, right on the fucking face and I took one step back and thought, you’re not getting....
Kylie Scott
Nice enough?” he asked, tendons tightening in his neck like he intended to Hulk out on me. “Did you....
Malcolm X
The world since Adam has been white—and corrupt. The world of tomorrow will be black—and righteous.....
Peter Levi
The sky [above Tehran] was like a star-eaten black blanket, and so far as I could read them its constellations....
Rebecca Scott
The book ‘Outliers’ by Malcolm Gladwell talks about the 10,000-hour theory–that almost anyone can....
James Baldwin
The Constitution gives you the right, as a white man, to have a rifle in your home. The Constitution....
Malcolm X
Eventually my mother suffered a complete breakdown, and the court orders were finally signed. They took....
Stephen Richards
I believe in most men there is a certain amount of violence. Every man has a bit of fight in him, but....
Malcolm X
Nobody can give you freedom, nobody can give you equality or justice. If you are a man, you take it.
Malcolm X
I say, sir, that you can never make an intelligent judgment without evidence.
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