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Tag - margaret
Quotes Tagged With :margaret
Gerard Manley Hopkins
It is the blight man was born for. It is Margaret you mourn for.
Margaret Wild
Jen's Mum Will WriteJen's mum writes advertising copy.She specializes in white goods:washing machines,....
Margaret Atwood
Girl Without HandsWalking through the ruinson your way to workthat do not look like ruinswith the sunlight....
Margaret Atwood
We'll choose knowledge no matter what, we'll maim ourselves in the process, we'll stick our hands into....
Megan Marshall
As Margaret would later write, Europe had come to seem "my America," an unsettled territory where liberty....
Julie Klassen
How rough your hands still are.”Embarrassed, she made to pull them away, but he held them fast. “Yet....
Margaret Atwood
I am a believer in sensible choices, so different from many of my own. Also in sensible names for children.....
Kami Garcia
You can read minds, and you didn't tell me?” Link stared at me like he just found out I was the Silver....
Louise Hawes
For MargaretSome people laughha-ha-ha.Other people puttheir hands on their mouthshe-he-he.In the department....
Margaret Atwood
He wants to see, he wants to know, only to see and know. I'm aware that it is this mentality, this curiosity,....
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