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Tag - marian
Quotes Tagged With :marian
Pope Benedict XVI
Thus there is need of deeper reflection. Before entering into an examination of individual texts, we....
Robin McKinley
Her betrothed is a lout, her father is a boor; and now her brother is trailing around looking like a....
Jane Austen
It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;—it is disposition alone. Seven years would....
Carl Sagan
But we have no [Marian] apparitions cautioning the Church against, say, accepting the delusion of an....
Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert
A great perfumer can take the visual perfection of living flowers and materials and elongate and morph....
Marianne Curley
Your self-assurance scares me.’'That’s only because you don’t have any.
Marianne Williamson
If a man is unmarried, he is called a bachelor. If a woman is unmarried, she is called a spinster or....
Jane Austen
I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own. He must enter....
Bill Blais
That thing ruined my favorite T-shirt," complains Mario."Whatever." It’s Marianne’s voice. "You were....
Meredith Willson
. . . when a woman has a husbandAnd you've got none,Why should she take advice from you?Even if you can....
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