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Tag - marsh
Quotes Tagged With :marsh
Pat Conroy
I loved these salt rivers more than I loved the sea; I loved the movement of tides more than I loved....
Matthew D. Heines
Special Super Bowl Wisdom of the Ages: "Marshawn Lynch" Not really shy. Still extremely embarrassed he....
Sarah Glenn Marsh
I raise my face to his, ready for the crush of his lips against mine, wanting to share more than these....
Guy de Maupassant
I have an immoderate passion for water; for the sea, though so vast, so restless, so beyond one's comprehension;....
Matthew Heines
Wisdom of the Ages "The Marshawn" US Army's new main battle tank. Runs over enemies instead of shooting....
Mandy Baxter
If she’d thought cutting ties with Galen would help her get on with her life, Harper knew that after....
Anne Marsh
He and his brothers were heroes at heart - even if they were all bad boy on the outside
Austin Grossman
It was an unfamiliar feeling, waking up with a place to go, a place I was actually beginning to comprehend....
Lorine Niedecker
I rose from marsh mudalgae, equisetum, willows,sweet green, noisybirds and frogs.
Shirley Parenteau
Each boat-shaped dish held scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream beneath thick blankets of chocolate....
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