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Tag - masonry
Quotes Tagged With :masonry
Brandon Garic Notch
Life as we know it is merely a dream within dreams.
Robin Sacredfire
Nothing can create more dramatic changes than simple and pure love and compassion. When people pray,....
Brandon Garic Notch
Motivation gets you started, and inspiration keeps you going.
Robin Sacredfire
I start every morning with a Rosicrucian ritual, meditation and exercise. I can't separate myself from....
Robin Sacredfire
Whenever we talk about darkness and light, the terms seem so abstract that many consider the answers....
Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis
Everything we know and believe about deity and divinity nowadays, is a direct origin of old civilizations.....
Stevan V. Nikolic
Freemasonry is relevant as much as the actions of Freemasons are meaningful.
Michio Kaku
I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything....
Brandon Garic Notch
Everyone has a story. It is what defines us. Our stories continue to change as we evolve in-and-out of....
Brandon Garic Notch
The taste of blood and that annoying sting of a bitten tongue. Once man got the taste of blood there....
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