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Tag - masquerade
Quotes Tagged With :masquerade
Parul Wadhwa
I have a distinct air of myself standing amidst such a crowd of people. My eyes set above, looking at....
Mora Early
Well, I can hardly lick champagne off your dazzling personality, now can I?
Parul Wadhwa
I almost trust her to burn the bridges while standing at the cliff herself. She hardly agrees to be on....
Parul Wadhwa
Abstract conversations are my favourite, for they unviel true convictions.
Parul Wadhwa
Learn to value yourself enough to walk away from the crap in life and never settle for less than you....
Criss Jami
Science is knowledge meeting humility meeting curiosity: ever-evolving, always learning. Atheism is often....
Anthon St. Maarten
Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting....
E.A. Bucchianeri
A mask you ask? Optional I find!Masks lend appeal of a mysterious kind.
Erik Pevernagie
The crucial point in life is: are we living our 'own' life or simply a life for 'other' people. Are we....
Parul Wadhwa
I'm determined that I won't give up on my dreams for anything. I have evolved in these years. Learned....
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