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Tag - massachusetts
Quotes Tagged With :massachusetts
C.F. Joyce
And scars will lighten, they'll pale unless you keep rubbing at them...wait long enough, they'll fade.....
Edward Pearson Pressey
We have been gradually finding out that there is more democracy in letting a committee or representative....
C.F. Joyce
I'd have been queen of all England, but Massachusetts haunted me and wouldn't let me go.
Rebecca McNutt
Alford, Massachusetts: Mandy stood there with her old Nikon film camera, snapping photo after photo of....
Edward Pearson Pressey
New Englanders began the Revolution not to institute reforms and changes in the order of things, but....
Neal Stephenson
The mysterious Enoch Root meets 8-year-old Benjamin Franklin, Boston, 1713: "Do I look like a schoolmaster....
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