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Tag - maxride
Quotes Tagged With :maxride
James Patterson
What happened to your tan?"--Fang"It was dirt." --Max
James Patterson
I stood my ground. "You evil scientist are all the same--evil. Count me out."Fang and I brushed past....
James Patterson
So the first thing we're gonna do," I told him, "is push you off the roof.
James Patterson
Listen, street punk. You're a guy, and you're a couple inches taller, and maybe forty pounds heavier,....
James Patterson
Well, that's an evil smile...
James Patterson
Q: You'er presented with a smooth-faced, eight-foot-high wooden wall. Your objective? Get over it. To,....
James Patterson
I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that, for so long." -Nudge
James Patterson
I want to do it too!" (sitting motionless)Nudge: "Nope, you stand out like a fart in a church."Max: (muttering)....
James Patterson
You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this much.
James Patterson
That was the funniest thing I'd heard in days.You're kidding, right? PLEASE tell me you have a stronger....
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