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Tag - meaninglessness
Quotes Tagged With :meaninglessness
C. JoyBell C.
Many things that don't really mean so much of anything, are wonderful.
William Golding
History is the nothing people write about a nothing.
Søren Kierkegaard
When indeed does the temporal suffering oppress a man most terribly? Is it not when it seems to him that....
Ayn Rand
If you write a line of zeroes, it´s still nothing.
Srividya Srinivasan
Delayed, unexpressed appreciation is meaningless. The dead need no appreciation. The living do.
William Barrett
What emerges from these separate strands of (modern) history is an image of man himself that bears a....
Anita Diamant
[The sound of the wind] was just more proof that the workings of the world were random, that beauty,....
Meaningless! Meaningless!”says the Teacher.“Utterly meaningless!Everything is meaningless.”What....
Criss Jami
I would rather have strong enemies than a world of passive individualists. In a world of passive individualists....
A.J. Darkholme
Without purpose and meaning in our lives, we banish ourselves to wander this plane of existence with....
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