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Tag - mechanics
Quotes Tagged With :mechanics
Kevin Michel
What believer of faith among us can claim to understand the exact mechanistic structure of a world created....
Brian Greene
...quantum mechanics—the physics of our world—requires that you hold such pedestrian complaints in....
Eli Of Kittim
The ultimate aim of reality is to become science fiction!
John Archibald Wheeler
Individual events. Events beyond law. Events so numerous and so uncoordinated that, flaunting their freedom....
Vanna Bonta
Which came first — the observer or the particle?
Roshan Sharma
When you look at the external reality, you may assume you know everything, but when you close your eyes....
Kevin Michel
You are deluded if you think that the world around you is a physical construct separate from your own....
Kevin Michel
To access your subconscious, is to access your 'higher-self.
Mario Livio
The strength of the familiar electromagnetic force between two electrons, for example, is expressed in....
David J. Griffiths
Calculate the fine structure constant from first principles.
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