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Tag - meddling
Quotes Tagged With :meddling
Marty Rubin
We should not judge people or try to figure out what makes them tick. We should leave them the hell alone.....
Shannon L. Alder
Never stand in the way of letting God use people’s actions, in order to solve a greater issue in the....
Lloyd Alexander
Two things never mix: one is enchantments and the other is meddling with them.
Marty Rubin
Meddling is the evil, not indifference.
Robert Buettner
Planetologist call it the conundrum of unforeseen ecological consequence. I call it the whack-a-mole....
Sebastian Barry
The thing itself, the first thing, will never do us alone, we must be elaborating, improving, poeticising.....
Trish Mercer
That’s precisely what the governing body should NOT do—manage every detail of their lives. We are....
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