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Tag - medina
Quotes Tagged With :medina
Jason Medina
He blamed television, movies, and books for his love of ghosts. It was a fascination that’s been with....
Jason Medina
The mind is like an empty canvas and we are all artists, who spend our entire lives creating our own....
Jason Medina
Rini moved in to kiss him, but on his cheek. She gave him two pecks on his right cheek and one more on....
Jason Medina
Iffin we meant to see each other, again, it gonna happen.
Jason Medina
She gazed at him alluringly and grinned. No further words were necessary.
Jason Medina
Feel da power swallow you whole. Let go an’ lose yo’self in it.
Jason Medina
He was a paranormal investigator. Yes, a ghost hunter, although he never liked to use that terminology.....
Jason Medina
By the time she awoke she couldn’t even remember if she had a dream or a nightmare. There had only....
Jason Medina
Now to tell ya about our fellow inmates. Pay attention because there are a bunch of us an’ we each....
Jason Medina
Ray was always of the opinion that a handful was more than enough. Anything else just tends to sag, once....
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