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Tag - meekness
Quotes Tagged With :meekness
Bryant McGill
Make no mistake about it, no matter how kind, meek, humble and soft your giving heart is — you are....
Neal A Maxwell
Just as meekness is in all our virtues, so is pride in all our sins. -Oct 1986
Suzy Kassem
Any man who behaves arrogantly with what little he knows, or claims to know all, only reveals to all....
Richelle E. Goodrich
Who cares who's right or wrong when the last word is a kind apology?
Israelmore Ayivor
Stay at peace with everyone you meet and hold no grudge with anyone for any reason.
Israelmore Ayivor
Humility is the fundamental principle that builds up greatness. Arrogance on the other hand never brings....
R.A. Mathis
A fool mistakes meekness for weakness and a quiet tongue for an idle mind.
Neal A. Maxwell
Sir Thomas More was a victim of injustice and irony. Generously and meekly, just as he was about to be....
Trevor hammack
Humility is the nearly impossible task of being more concerned with our own sins that we are with the....
Suzy Kassem
A graceful heart is a virtue of the meek.
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