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Tag - mema
Quotes Tagged With :mema
J.R. Miller
The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and prayer and purity, is doing something....
Aldous Huxley
All gods are homemade, and it is we who pull their strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours.....
Jani Ortlund
I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven....
Jhumpa Lahiri
On weekdays, as soon as she picked Bela from the bus stop and brought her home, she went straight into....
Thomas Wolfe
There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner....
Melissa Michaels
...you need to assess what you love right now and what is authntic to your way of living in this season....
Alyce Alexandra
I passionately believe home cooking has vast benefit to individuals, families, community, environment....
Edith Schaeffer
All art involves conscious discipline. If one is going to paint, do sculpture, design a building or write....
Gloria Furman
Theology is for homemakers who need to know who God is, who they are, and what this mundane life is all....
Isabella MacDonald Alden
No occupation in this world is more trying to soul and body than the care of young children. What patience....
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