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Tag - mens
Quotes Tagged With :mens
Russell Anthony Gibbs
Timelessness is realizing that everything that has ever or will ever happen already exists simultaneously....
Sanhita Baruah
It will be foolish not to get your heart broken, even once.For having a broken heart makes you realize....
Louis L'Amour
The terms we use for what is considered supernatural are woefully inadequate. Beyond such terms as ghost,....
Vishwanath S J
Time throws you out of its dimensionless planar like a boomerang. It unites with you again in death.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
To think that we grasp the fullness of life is to say that by holding a mere drop of water in our hands....
Victoria Claflin Woodhull
I shall not change my course because those who assume to be better than I desire it.
Margaret Atwood
I have periods now, like normal girls; I too am among the knowing, I too can sit out volleyball games....
Jill Lepore
All feminists are suffragists, but not all suffragists are feminists," as one feminist explained.
Arun D. Ellis
Let’s de-bunk some of this, shall we? Myth 1– Kings and Queens are divine beings – rubbish. Kings....
James Rozoff
No, not conquer, that is too foolish a world. Any man who scales a mountain is still but a man, a transient....
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