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Tag - mephisto
Quotes Tagged With :mephisto
T.S. Eliot
He is quiet and small, he is blackFrom his ears to the tip of his tail;He can creep through the tiniest....
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I am the spirit that negates.And rightly so, for all that comes to beDeserves to perish wretchedly;'Twere....
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If I wasn't a devil myself I'd give Me up to the Devil this very minute.
Christopher Marlowe
Faustus: Stay, Mephistopheles, and tell me, what good willmy soul do thy lord?Mephistopheles: Enlarge....
Christopher Marlowe
Mephistopheles: Within the bowels of these elements,Where we are tortured and remain forever.Hell hath....
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I am not omniscient, but I know a lot.
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