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Tag - middlegrade
Quotes Tagged With :middlegrade
Denis Markell
Wait. Is a real, live adult person actually asking me details about the games I play? This is unheard....
Sarah Weeks
Polly had a gift for baking pies, and she poured her heart and soul into every one she made.
Denis Markell
I turn back to the Archers, who don’t look like the same species as us. Do they even sweat, these people?....
Sarah Weeks
That was the moment when Alice knew for sure that she and Charlie Erdling would be friends for the rest....
Denis Markell
It seems like the best escape games come from Japan for some reason. It makes me proud.
Jaleigh Johnson
Torque was the greatest thing in the world, as far as Lina was concerned.
Jaleigh Johnson
Whatever you do, don’t make it worse by trying to come up with some flimsy excuse for why you were....
S.W. Lothian
The three now faced the moving wall. Trapped, like the last fries in a box with a hungry kid ready to....
Denis Markell
So you’re a reader,” My mom sighs, as if somehow this elevates Isabel to yet another realm of perfection.....
Denis Markell
Dad has shamelessly played the Mom card. Against which there is no defense.
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