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Tag - millenials
Quotes Tagged With :millenials
Tyler Barton
We skipped right over Walmart on the ladder down.
Joanie Connell
One thing they do not teach you in college is what you will actually be doing in a career of your choosing.....
Ifra Asad
Cigarette smoke when i didn't ask for it. Never when I did.
Katherine Sloan
You were just a young girl not wanting to let on that death could happen to one who hadn't even lived....
Annie Fisher
There is a whole generation of young people just like us wandering around Europe and the rest of the....
Pew Research Center
In recent years a smaller share of young adults has been employed than at any time since the Bureau of....
Joanie Connell
Understanding what is being said is only a fraction of the task of communicating. Taking in signals from....
Carolyn Drake
Everyone loves a goddamned trainwreck, after all.
Constance Renfrow
I'm looking for something new to believe in that isn't the way people yearn at night in the city.
Donald A. Barclay
Information is valuable. Librarians and libraries are, at best incidental; at worst, in the way.
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