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Tag - ministry
Quotes Tagged With :ministry
H.W. Brands
The horizons of man are incomparably narrower than that of the land on which he toils. Editor of the....
Jeff Myers
Mentoring is the cultivation of young adults, the tender caring for and nurturing of them so that they....
Paul C. Nagel
The author points out that, with life in provincial Washington difficult for those not of independent....
Kari L. Greenaway
Great is our calling, We dare not be idle.The saddle is in place,And Jesus is bridle.
Daniel Henderson
For every Gospel action, there is an opposite and devious demonic reaction. We see this in the book of....
James K.A. Smith
We have created youth ministry that confuses extroversion with faithfulness. We have effectively communicated....
Zack Eswine
Apprenticeship assumes that knowing a trade not only comes by numbers and outlines but also by watching....
I've got to tell you that my vocation, my true calling, is serving others. Medicine is my avocation;....
Don Cousins
The aim and the result of faithful, fruitful, and fulfilling service is to make God famous.
Colin S. Smith
Has what you do for God become more important to you than the Lord Himself?
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