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Tag - misinformation
Quotes Tagged With :misinformation
Catherine Gould
Perhaps no skeptic has done more to obfuscate the issue of ritual abuse than Kenneth Lanning of the FBI,....
Thomas Jefferson
To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted, so as to be most....
Wayne Gerard Trotman
Deception and privileged secrets are common facets of politics.
Jennifer J. Freyd
We propose that use of the term “false memory” to describe errors in memory for details directly....
Ellen P. Lacter
Disinformation is distinguished from misinformation in that it is intentionally fraudulent.
Trevor Driggers
The internet is a blessing and curse, because it's a gateway to an endless plethora of information. However....
Pamela Perskin Noblitt
The above is stereotypical FMS rhetoric. It employs a formulaic medley of factual distortions, exaggerations,....
Wilhelm Reich
The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
Too often, opinion is a lens polished by the grit of bias. And as I stare through my own lens, I might....
Richard Feynman
A few years after I gave some lectures for the freshmen at Caltech (which were published as the Feynman....
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