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Tag - mob
Quotes Tagged With :mob
E. Jamie
I understand Mrs. Donovan is a free woman, Mr. Dardano. It’s all for a good cause after all, isn’t....
Frank Karsten
Actually, in its essence, democracy is a totalitarian ideology, though not as extreme as Nazism, fascism....
L.L. Barkat
You could use a moth like that as a symbol in a novel, but it was trite, wasn’t it? The old moth-to-the-flame....
E. Jamie
You will never have to worry about safety. Being a Dardano will buy you all the security you’ll ever....
Kilroy J. Oldster
Driving a car provides a person with a rush of dopamine in the brain, which hormonal induced salience....
Tim LaHaye
Fear is the paralyzing emotion that inhibits or restricts normal feelings of love, confidence, and well-being.....
E. Jamie
Bree rubbed her belly. Figured; Alessandro wasn’t one to live in quiet but strained tension. She stared....
Terry Pratchett
The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.
Lawrence W. Reed
My take on socialism is this: Socialism only seems to work when you don't fully implement it, when you....
David Chiles
Ignore errors in updates because you never know the context in real life, mobile or otherwise. NetworkEtiquette.net....
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