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Tag - modest
Quotes Tagged With :modest
Danny Heitman
Unlike Kim Cardassian or Donald Trump, Montaigne regarded the inward glance as an adventure in self-effacement....
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Life humbles the rich by giving them problems that money can’t resolve, or, dissolve.
Roger Moore
Some are blessed with musical ability, others with good looks. Myself, I was blessed with modesty.
Michael Grant
Now, who else speaks for Perdido Beach?”Bouncing Bette said, “Sam Temple here went into a burning....
Sunday Adelaja
When you know who you are, you won’t have false modesty
Unarine Ramaru
The toughest thing worth losing is Pride.
Raheel Farooq
Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured....
When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars....
Coco Chanel
I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity....
Karen Traviss
I've never met a soldier who knew he was a hero. It's not false modesty. They simply decide to do something....
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