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Tag - monn
Quotes Tagged With :monn
Carew Papritz
Let my memories of you be like water on the moon. A beautiful impossibility - but allowing me to sleep....
Ana Monnar
Life Is, a Rose.
Ana Monnar
Will you love me enough?
Katie Waitman
I'm swimming upstream. Fighting the tide while the happy dead drift past me to the pools of ignorance.....
Ana Monnar
Let us see what tomorrow will bring us? Will it be joy and triumph, chaos and glory, love and growth,....
Martijn Benders
Mensen vragen wel eens, geloof jij in God, Martinus? En dan zeg ik ja, uiteraard. Wat ik er dan niet....
Ana Monnar
Do you come from old money, new money, or no money?
Max Stirner
No knowledge, however thorough and extensive, no brilliance and perspicuity, no dialectic sophistication,....
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