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Quotes Tagged With :month
Rainer Maria Rilke greeted and wrestled with the angels of his Duino Elegies in the solitude of a castle....
J.L. Carr
People one doesn't care for, even dislike, make most of us feel uneasy when they appeal against their....
Idowu Ayodeji
Learn to always trust God in all situation,learn to forgive those who wrong u in order to receive your....
W. H. Gibson
Oh the lovely fickleness of an April day!
If cold December gave you birth The month of snow and ice and mirth Place on your hand a turquoise....
L.M. Montgomery
Today has been a day dropped out of June into April.
Genereux Philip
I call her Google because she got everything I have been searching for.
To create art with all the passion in one's soul is to live art with all the beauty in one's heart.
Dannika Dark
But after it's all said and done, don't you want to grow old with your best friend? At the end of the....
Steve Easterbrook
The average customer comes into McDonald's three to four times a month, and I'm absolutely convinced....
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