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Tag - morocco
Quotes Tagged With :morocco
Paul Bowles
Looking at him she felt she knew what the people of antiquity had been like. Thirty centuries or more....
Vicki Alayne Bradley
Food stall owners reach out with menus, calling out their dinner selections like midway prizes
Paul Bowles
There's a little war in progress here. There won't be anything left of the place if it goes on at this....
Paul Bowles
Yes, but perhaps he did have something to do with it.” (In such arguments Stenham often found himself....
Paul Bowles
Decadence, decadence, he said to himself. They’ve lost everything and gained nothing. The French had....
Roman Payne
We look up to see if it is day or night. If stars burn cool and moon does shine, We take to smoke divine....
Raquel Cepeda
Individually, every grain of sand brushing against my hands represents a story, an experience, and a....
Paul Bowles
Stenham had always taken it for granted that the dichotomy of belief and behavior was the cornerstone....
Elias Canetti
Travelling, one accepts everything; indignation stays at home. One looks, one listens, one is roused....
Paul Bowles
You have to hate them, you mean? You can’t decide: I will or I won’t hate them?”Amar did not completely....
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