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Tag - moses
Quotes Tagged With :moses
Christopher Hitchens
I think I have a very good idea why it is that anti-Semitism is so tenacious and so protean and so enduring.....
Thomas Paine
There are matters in that book, said to be done by the express command of God, that are as shocking to....
Christopher Hitchens
All questions of right to one side, I have never been able to banish the queasy inner suspicion that....
Greg L. Bahnsen
Of all the wicked heresies and threatening movements facing the church in our day, when Westminster Seminary....
Golda Meir
Let me tell you the one thing I have against Moses. He took us forty years into the desert in order to....
William Faulkner
He got off on Lincoln and slavery and dared any man there to deny that Lincoln and the negro and Moses....
Thomas Paine
The character of Moses, as stated in the Bible, is the most horrid that can be imagined. If those accounts....
Thomas Paine
The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries, that have afflicted....
I am not a man of words, not yesterday, not the day before, not from the first time You spoke to your....
Robert G. Ingersoll
Can we believe that the real God, if there is one, ever ordered a man to be killed simply for making....
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