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Tag - motherhood
Quotes Tagged With :motherhood
Elena Ferrante
A woman's body does a thousand different things, toils, runs, studies, fantasizes, invents, wearies,....
Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett
Isolation can be a particular problem for mothers at home with small children. Mothers become isolated....
Barbara Crooker
Are we always to be wantingwhat isn't:the greenest grassaccord and principlemotherhood and career?Yet....
Kristin Hersh
Now I know I’ll never be numb again. A mother is condemned to feel everything forever. And I’m finally....
Cassi Clark
Heaven is the feeling of hand warmers on sore nipples.
Werenfried Von Straaten
A good mother does not live only for her children. She always has some bond with other mothers, no matter....
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
An excellent mother knows she has the beautiful life, and she is a big time programmer.
Cassi Clark
If we wear our nursing covers backwards like capes, then everyone can see we're breastfeeding superheroes.....
Rudyard Kipling
Father Wolf looked on amazed. He had almost forgotten the days when he won Mother Wolf in fair fight....
James T. Farrell
Life was hard on mothers; but then, they just didn't understand.
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