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Tag - mountaineering
Quotes Tagged With :mountaineering
Mehmet Murat ildan
The best friends of the highest mountains are only the clouds and the adventurer mountaineers!
George Mallory
My mind is in a state of constant rebellion. I believe that will always be so.
Robert Macfarlane
Those who travel to mountain-tops are half in love with themselves, and half in love with oblivion.
Ed Viesturs
Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Mekael Shane
Climbing has taught me many lessons, one of the most important being, just how ever-present death is.....
Steven Magee
A healthy person that uses medical oxygen to perform their job on a daily basis should expect to eventually....
George Mallory
How to get the best of it all? One must conquer, achieve, get to the top; one must know the end to be....
Rainer Maria Rilke
And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far into the future,....
Tanveer Mazhar
If you ignore the mountain, doesn't mean mountain will ignore you too..
Jeffrey Rasley
Chasing angels or fleeing demons, go to the mountains.
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