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Tag - multiculturalism
Quotes Tagged With :multiculturalism
Ausma Zehanat Khan
Nothing about multiculturalism antagonized Rachel. She liked all kinds of food, clothing, cultural customs,....
Dan Smith
As we encounter each other, we see our diversity — of background, race, ethnicity, belief – and how....
Ruth Ahmed
You feel well, Ali? You have a very faraway look on your face, beta,' my dad said. 'Like you have left....
Masha Hamilton
I think I was always interested in the larger world, even as a kid, and my experiences as a journalist....
Brigitte Gabriel
America has always prided itself on its multiculturalism and its multireligious communities, just as....
Ja A. Jahannes
Unless we learn to know ourselves, we run the danger of destroying ourselves.
Sandra L. West
The city of Paris, France, became a place of refuge for biracial Americans during slavery and at the....
Victor Davis Hanson
Evil is ancient, unchanging, and with us always. The more postmodern the West becomes — affluent, leisured,....
The American identity has never been a singular one and the voices of poets invariably sing, in addition....
We ache with the yearningthat turns half into wholeand offer no excusesfor the beauty of our souls.
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