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Tag - naps
Quotes Tagged With :naps
Carolyn V. Hamilton
There’s never enough time for all the naps you want.
Stephen Richards
Our power to think is infinite, consequently that means our creative power is unlimited!
Stephen Richards
You can influence a whole plethora of things, and just as they can influence you then you can influence....
Chuck Palahniuk
But if you tell folks you're a college student, folks are so impressed. You can be a student in anything....
Stephen Richards
The gatekeeper to the subconscious mind has to be overcome first before NAPS can work, and it is in the....
Stephen Richards
Once you clear that mind clutter out, the doorways for what you desire are open.
Emma Shannon
School means work and work means death. Let's all go take a nap.
Stephen Richards
Ask yourself this, 'How much more would YOU accomplish if YOU stopped looking over at the person beside....
Stephen Richards
Napoleon Hill also rehashed 'thoughts create things' when he wrote Think & Grow Rich in 1937 (although....
Stephen Richards
Running your own race means embracing your dreams and shifting towards them and not letting anyone discourage....
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