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Tag - natural
Quotes Tagged With :natural
Sunday Adelaja
when there is no sound mind in the society people's thinking and their decisions, don’t always follow....
Jody Shields
A child conceived on Christmas Eve is considered unlucky and will later resent his parents for their....
Antoine de Jussieu
I observed on most collected stones the imprints of innumerable plant fragments which were so different....
Robert J. Sawyer
That natural selection can produce changes within a type is disputed by no one, not even the staunchest....
Hazel Butler
I imagined her poised, a humerus in one hand, a toothbrush in the other, as she gently brushed away the....
Suzy Kassem
The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit.
Dean Koontz
Nothing supernatural has ever harmed me. My wounds and losses have all be at the hands of human beings.......
Charlie Bradbury
I'm a wee bit obsessed, if by a wee bit you mean completely
Angela M. Hudson
No one stays the same, David. Everything you are is a direct result of something that's affected you....
Francis Chan
With my natural communication abilities, I could probably gather a crowd even without the Spirit.
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