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Louise Erdrich
A woman's body is the gate to this life. A man's body is the gate to the next life.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Each age, it is found, must write its own books; or rather, each generation for the next succeeding.
Pawan Mishra
Anyone can lecture from the butt, only very few can act.
Rebecca McNutt
…I’m afraid of what the digital age will do to the world, to the things we think are important…....
Steven Magee
It is the uninformed that willfully put a cellphone next to their brains.
Oscar Bimpong
During certain periods of our lives, we may listen to a particular song that touches our hearts so much....
Steven Magee
Collision avoidance systems are the next big radio frequency (RF) toxin to hit the USA general population....
Jennifer Echols
Oof!" Adam caught me all right, with the side of his head. I could tell by the feel of his skull on my....
Sharon Weil
We often gain awareness through a baseline comparison between now and next.
Connie Kerbs
Doubt, fear and helplessness will always try to flourish when we are in a holding pattern for too long.....
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