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Tag - nigh
Quotes Tagged With :nigh
Elie Wiesel
We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silent encourages the tormentor,....
Jeb Bush
Who among us has never looked up into the heavens on a starlit night, lost in wonder at the vastness....
James Robertson
Walking through a deserted city in the hours before dawn is sobering way beyond the undoing of the effects....
Akshay Vasu
I wish I had a brush that could paint the whole sky and turn every morning into night. I wish I could....
Christopher Nolan
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Cornell Woolrich
After that there was silence for a while, only the sound of the shovel biting into the earth and the....
Andrei Bely
Tahtahta-ha-ha' clattered the wheels. A lamp outside the window nodded to him. Another. A third. The....
John Milton
Come let us haste, the stars grow high, But night sits monarch yet in the mid sky.
Charlotte Brontë
Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night: too serene for the companionship of....
Ashley Earley
Night has settled over Paris.The streets have cleared of the crowds, and the city has been lit up. I....
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