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Tag - nightmare
Quotes Tagged With :nightmare
Shannon Mullen
Who am I fooling? Bad dreams never end. We just pretend they aren’t there.
Graham Greene
It is the earliest dream that I can remember, earlier than the witch at the corner of the nursery passage,....
Julio Alexi Genao
The second day, I watched you suffer through one of your nightmares, but this one was worse than I’d....
Anthony T.Hincks
It's when you tame your nightmares, that your dreams will willingly enter the corral.
Siouxsie Sioux
My dreams are of water. And my nightmares.
Ransom Riggs
By morning I was worn out. My limbs felt heavy as wood, my head cottony. I might've felt better if I....
Sharon Kay Penman
During the day, memories could be held at bay, but at night, dreams became the devil's own accomplices.....
Carlos Wallace
Sharing pillow talk with the wrong people can make a hard bed to lie on, and will surely lead to nightmares....
Jung Chang
At night I locked my bedroom door, because [my father] could not sleep and would insist on talking to....
Erin Kellison
King shrugged and looked back at Harlen. "Please tell me you have a plan. Because my baby girl really....
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