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Tag - nonverbal
Quotes Tagged With :nonverbal
Richelle E. Goodrich
I do listen. I just wait for the words to stop and your eyes to speak.
Thomm Quackenbush
He seemed like the sort to have a vast arsenal of smirks, shaped over a decade of nonverbal conversation.....
Richard Rohr
Our first experience of life is primarily felt in the *body.* ... We know ourselves in the security of....
Lindsey Rietzsch
The things you say, the things you don't say, the things you do, or the things you don't do are always....
Jean Edward Smith
As proof that HOW we see things matters, Gen. Montgomery took a preprepared text that had been deemed....
Richelle E. Goodrich
Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say.
David Urso
An experiment had students rate lecturing professors with the sound off. Their ratings closely mirrored....
Kelly Moran
I'll never get to hear her say, 'I love you, Mommy,' like other parents take for granted.
Asa Don Brown
Communication can be sent or received through verbal or nonverbal cues.
Graham Speechley
Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.
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