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Tag - nostalgia
Quotes Tagged With :nostalgia
Charles Dickens
Those darling byegone times, Mr Carker,' said Cleopatra, 'with their delicious fortresses, and their....
Maria Elena
I visit you in my dreams and you talk to me in songs. Each sentence is a bridge taking me closer to the....
Joseph LaConte
Evangelicals have squandered their cultural capital because they have tried to reclaim a standing in....
China Miéville
Dark came early and stayed full of lights and the shouts of children.
Jessa Crispin
If there ever were one moment where everything worked for us, where we lived in harmony and at ease with....
Anton Chekhov
In short, the man displayed a constant and insurmountable impulse to wrap himself in a covering, to make....
Jodi Picoult
I love the way he smelled whenever his head dipped close to hear what I was saying—like the sun striking....
Aysha Taryam
And so it is inevitable that the day has come when we write about privacy with such nostalgia, analysing....
Richard Ford
She ordered a martini and encouraged me to, but said she couldn't drink it with her medication. She just....
Billy Joel
So before we end and then beginWe'll drink a toast to how it's beenA few more hours to be completeA few....
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