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Tag - novelist
Quotes Tagged With :novelist
Edward Fahey
After finishing 1st draft of a novel, I have the characters, dialogue, scenes, and a plotline. I used....
Kamand Kojouri
There is no revelation in my words. I am merely stating what others have forgotten to write down.
Sol Luckman
I am, as it were, the created creating—a paradox, for all its rhetorical trappings, at the beating....
Michael Kroft
You write once and you can call yourself a writer, but it takes three novels before you can call yourself....
Lillian R. Melendez
Not writing is never an option. This is not words of advice. It's just literally never an option!
Edward Abbey
The novel should tell the truth, as I see the truth, or as the novelist persuades me to see it. And one....
Sara Sheridan
The writing talent of Edinburgh is textured - we have poets, novelists, non-fiction writers, dramatists....
Rawi Hage
Fiction is overrated, Fly. We’ve discussed this. In the time it takes those novelist fuckers to contemplate....
Roman Payne
I was forced to wander, having no one, forced by my nature to keep wandering because wandering was the....
Sara Sheridan
As a novelist it is my job to tell stories that inspire and entertain but I am increasingly mindful that....
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