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Tag - novella
Quotes Tagged With :novella
Brian Fatah Steele
No one, none of us have rights. There is no destiny. We have responsibilities to ourselves and each other.....
Jaye Frances
Ah yes, now you’re beginning to feel it. It’s so satisfying to see my best efforts coming to fruition.....
Stefania Mattana
Chase stooped to inspect it. Angelo handed him a latex glove, which took Chase three attempts to pull....
Thea Harrison
Mom's smiles were the most beautiful thing in the world, and they almost always made things better. They....
Scarlett Avery
Over the top sex —Actionjackson
Henry James
Before he went away, he had heard all about the self-made girl, and there was something in the picture....
Erin Kellison
He'd pushed and pushed and pushed until she had nowhere else to go but away from him. He'd been young....
L.J. Shen
You feel pretty ,manly to me," I breathed out, all jelly-legged with half-mast eyes."And you feel like....
Tim Reed
There was a single window that tapered into a funnel, with eerie moonlight passing through it, reflecting....
Lola Dodge
We weren't so much oil and vinegar as a lit match and napalm.
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