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Tag - novels
Quotes Tagged With :novels
Neil Gaiman
There's a thing that happens in Hollywood, when you hand in a script with magic in it, and the people....
Lexi Blake
Maybe she should stop reading those damn romance novels. They were giving her crazy expectations.
Dana Christy
You promised to be mine," he looked deep within her eyes, "mine forever.
Maria La Serra
She was magic, a direct light—the kind that seeps through in places that didn’t exist inside him....
Chayada Welljaipet
I’ve been asking you to marry me since we met! What more do you want?
Shantale Finnerty
You CAN have your cake and eat it too. Just don't start choking.
Jane Austen
for though a very few hours spent in the hard labor of incessant talking will dispatch more subjects....
Nicole Gulla
Kyle clapped his hands together. “Goody! The Zoe dates back some 3000 years to when the Greek gods....
Haruki Murakami
Of course, reading novels was just another form of escape. As soon as he closed their pages he had to....
James Russell Lingerfelt
I went for walks across the fields in my cozy, cotton-knit shirt, my worn out jeans, and my cowboy boots.....
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