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Tag - npirational
Quotes Tagged With :npirational
Steven Aitchison
How can I find a way to overcome this?’ is a much better question than ‘Why is my life so bad?’It’s....
Gary M. Douglas
When you tap into the energy of possibility, there is always something greater than potential can give....
Carl Busby Sr
Insightful, creative mind, dedicated, and wonderful friend and co-worker whom I had the privilege to....
Jodi Lynn Anderson
I think the rest of the world is not as cold and lonely a place as you think. At least I have to hope.....
Genereux Philip
Don’t chase people. Be an example. Attract them. Work hard and be yourself. The people who belong in....
David Dweck
Visions are for the Heavens to see.
Tyler J. Hebert
The sun rises each morning to shed light on the things we may have overlooked the day before.
A.R. Rahman
No regrets. There is no time for that. Regret is boring.
David Bergen
-Because they're free.-They might look free, but they aren't. Believe me. You're free.-How am I free?-You're....
Mitra June
When a man and woman are in love,some decisions and questions are answered in silence.
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