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Tag - oedipus
Quotes Tagged With :oedipus
Roman Payne
The novelist is condemned to wander all his life. Homeless and blind like Oedipus he wanders until death.....
Robertson Davies
...What was wrong between Diana and me was that she was too much a mother to me, and as I had had one....
Jerry A. Fodor
Only a philosopher would consider taking Oedipus as a model for a normal, unproblematic relation between....
Closer, it’s all right. Touch the man of grief.Do. Don’t be afraid. My troubles are mine and I am....
Maurice Sendak
so that it isn't upsetting to anybody. It's something we've always known about fairy tales – they talk....
It is not in words that I should wish my life to be distinguished, but rather in things done.
Gilles Deleuze
Here all guilt ceases, for it cannot cling to such flowers as these.
In a just cause the weak will beat the strong!
Gilles Deleuze
It is not by means of a metaphor that a banking or stock-market transaction, a claim, a coupon, a credit,....
This pursuit of unavailable distant people has oedipal roots.… fearing the consequences, they make....
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