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Tag - offence
Quotes Tagged With :offence
Pawan Mishra
It’s our version of a black hole. Just like amply compact mass can distort space and time to cause....
Israelmore Ayivor
To become a better you, take note of what gets you offended quickly and never go there or let it come....
Alan Paton
But to punish and not to restore, that is the greatest of all offences.
Jay Woodman
Let us not take offence over small cheese, let things slide off when they don’t really matter, not....
Tim Fargo
Some people take offense like it's a limited time offer.
Israelmore Ayivor
The worst ever offence you can commit against your time is to think that “time spent making plans is....
Chidiebere Prosper Agbugba
Victims support is everybodies responsibility, let's always lend a helping hand.
Daniel Waterman
Systems of retributive justice work well as long as they are proportional. However, in complex societies,....
Israelmore Ayivor
To know if someone can speak offensively or politely, don’t give him poem to recite; don’t give him....
Dante Alighieri
The weapons of divine justice are blunted by the confession and sorrow of the offender.
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