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Tag - oligarch
Quotes Tagged With :oligarch
Sirio Berati
The source of desire to be driven by power and spread of influence makes its owner dangerous to its privileges,....
Jack London
The surpluses will have to be expended somehow, and trust the oligarchs to find a way. Magnificent roads....
David E Hoffman
And I said, 'Do I have leprosy?' And they said, 'You are a dangerous element.
Eliza Parsons
By vice, dissipation, and extravagance, [the nobility] have been driven to the most despicable, and often....
Kenneth Eade
The financial elite already have the politicians in their pockets, as a result of their lobbying.
Aleister Crowley
So nobody must be allowed to think at all. Down with the public schools! Children must be drilled mentally....
M.B. Dallocchio
The most insidious of our country, the greediest and highest rung of our socioeconomic ladder, line their....
Alice Walker
Those in power must spend a lot of their time laughing at us.
Giuseppe Prezzolini
Representative government is artifice, a political myth, designed to conceal from the masses the dominance....
Nancy MacLean
Koch believed that what the famed economist Joseph Schumpeter called "creative destruction" was so critical....
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